Monday 22 October 2012

Indian Tribes Council

Indian Tribes Council intends to protect the Indian tribes who are exploited by church and politics by instilling in us a sense of inferiority complex, such that we are today not confident of raising up to the occasion and stand on our feet.

We plan to educate and instill a sense of dignity among Indian tribes and give them the confidence that they can be like any mainstream society without cunning support of church/politics who has a history of destroying tribes across the world.

Dalits are prisoners of political parties and political ideologies. They tell us to hate hindus and brahmins and we blindly do it. How will others treat us as equal then? This is exactly what political parties and church want because only then will they be able to exploit us and unfortunately our dalit leaders dont understand that.

A brahmin or other hindu, who knows i am a dalit, knows i abuse him behind his back. Now, will he have warmth for me? Never. So when a dalit asks for reservation, a brahmin will do all he can to ruin our chance. That division is exactly what polititians and church wanst.

We say we are not hindus, but who is taking advatange of that? ..the xtian evangelists. They come to us telling of love and peace and money and tell us "see hindus treat you as untouchables" and we fall for it.

Who are these xtians? They have killed millions and millions of tribes all over the world. see my album for african tribes who are in chains as well as who supported racism in Africa, US, Europe, and Australia with their studied silence.

During the regime of PiusXII. He did not hesitate to join hands with Hitler who attacked Yugoslavia. Hitler partitioned the country into the Catholic Croatia and the Orthodox Serbia.

Then followed a massive ethnic cleansing The aryanisation process which separated the Jews,Serbs  as undesirables. These were deported to concentrated camps. Children were not spared. The ethnic cleansing was done by the open support of the clergy-priests and nuns supervised and Vatican followed the ‘omerta” and looked the other way. Special death camps were set up for children. Several commandants and officers at these death camps were Catholic priests.
Francisan monks supervised the mass execution. This ethnic cleansing thus had the blessings of Vatican..There were monetary gains for the Vatican from the Holocaust in Croatia. In the certificate of conversion which was sold for a few hundred of dinars the Vatican netted millions. Vatican was well informed and yet the Pope maintained silence.

In fact not a single member of the clergy was held accountable.-though the commandants of the death camps were priests.

When after the war, Archbishop Stepinak was arrested for war crimes by the Yugoslav government Puis XII excommunicated everyone who had taken part in the trial.

Later the Archbishop was presented as the champion of religious freedom!
It is interesting that in 1998 Pope John II traveled to the Republic of Croatia to announce the beatification of Archbishop Stepinak.

It must be noted that the Vatican abetted and colluded with Mussolini and Hiltler in all their brutality. It stood to gain both in terms of power and money.

At the end, we are exploited by a new type of exploitors.

Did Bhimji become the hero of our hearts through hate? Did President Narayanan become hero of the nation through hate? Did they become what they are because they hated Hindus? Are we better than them because we hate others?

Imagine our community half as good as them, then the world will be a paradise.

Dont live in the past. See how we can move forward. Live today and look towards the future.

We have to stop political parties, especially leftists who have exploited us all these years from exploiting us further. Dalits have to stop being just foot soldiers of these parties.

Bhimji was certainly a great thinker, but the thinking of muslims have undergone a sea change today from what it was in 1911.

Remember, Dalits in india is not a minority. We dont need anyone else's support to become strong or stand on our feet.

First you should have confidence in yourself, only then will others take you seriously.

Remember, no matter how small the mangoose is, even a Cobra never messes with it.

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