Tuesday 8 January 2013

African Chinese

At about 35,000 B.C. a group of these African Chinese; later known to us as the Jomon, took this route and entered Japan, they became the first Humans to inhabit the Japanese Islands. Later, another group; Known to us as the Ainu, followed.

 Oddly Indians were Not part of this group. Today, their genes can still be found in 40% of modern Japanese, as well as Mongolians and Tibetans- Past and Present Kings & Queens's

Friday 4 January 2013

African Origins of Xtianity

The basis of morality, justice, resurrection, virgin birth, Holy Ghost, Trinity, humanized Trinity, the notion of the last judgment, with Ausar as judge (God) of the dead, myths and philosophies of all religions, law and order in society, what constitutes good governance and democracy, all originated from the ‘Great Quarrel’’ and the ‘Judgment of the Night of Weighing Words,’ of the Mystery System.

Also in the ‘Great Quarrel,’ is the origin of the ‘Virgin Birth,’ and the Immaculate Conception myths, four thousand, four hundred and twenty-five years before the Christian version. Still clearly visible today in the Temple of Ausar (Osiris), in Abydos, are pictures of the ‘Virgin Birth’ and the ‘Resurrection,’ showing Osiris’ joystick perpendicular to his body as the symbol of resurrection and ‘Virgin Birth.’

Africans gave the world the concept against murder as a result of the judgment of the ‘Great Quarrel‘ between Auset, Heru and Set. Heru (who the Greeks called Horus), and all the other Gods, saw the murder of Ausar by his brother Set, as evil. A murder that preceded the Cain and Abel copy story by four thousand, four hundred and twenty-five years.

Godfrey Higgins in Anacalypsis, Vol. 1, tells us “we have found the Black complexion or something relating to it whenever we have approached the origins of nations. The Alma Mater, the Goddess Multimammia, the founders of the oracles, the Memnon or first idols were always Black. Venus, Jupiter, Apollo, Bacchus, Hercules, Ammon, Asteroth, Adonis, Horus, Apis, Osiris, in short all the wood and stone Deities were Black. They remain as they were first made in very remote times.” In the Celtic Druids, Higgins says: “The Greek gods were adaptations of the Egyptian ones, hence the earliest ones of Greece were also Black. ‘Ethiop is a title of Zeus who was the Father of the Gods among the Greeks.”

Council of Nicaea (325 CE). Dr. Martyn Percy, the famous canon expert once wrote and I quote: “The Bible did not arrive by fax from heaven.” The Bible is a creation of man. Man, not God, writes history, and history is always from the perspective of the conqueror, not the conquered. It is the elite, the most powerful in society, that defines the society’s reality, and that is exactly what Constantine did after subduing African influence in the world.

In Emperor Constantine’s days, the official Roman religion was Sun worship (i.e. the African Egyptian cult of Sol Invictus or the Invincible Sun). They called it the Jovian Mystery System and Constantine was the Chief priest. In fact, Constantine, a Pagan throughout his lifetime, was hurriedly baptized on his death bed, too weak to protest. During the reign of Constantine, and over three hundred years after the alleged crucifixion of Jesus, the Christian population had grown to the extent of posing serious threat to the unity of Rome.

The Christians were constantly warring with the Pagans and threatening to tear Rome apart. Constantine, a smart opportunist, decided to side with the larger group. History books on the issue marvel at the way Constantine converted his Sun God worshippers to Christianity. He did it by creating an amalgam, a hybrid, a fusion of Pagan symbols, dates, rituals, and ideas, into the growing Pagan-Christian traditions of the time, to produce something that compromised and overwhelmed both parties. Constantine produced a sacred entity outside the scope of the human world whose power was, therefore, unchallengeable by mare mortals, and called it the Roman Catholic Church. To do this, he conveyed his 325 CE Council of Nicaea that produced the Nicaea creed. The Nicaea Council is claimed by the Church fathers to have been called principally to thwart the Arian heresy and assert the headship of Jesus over Christendom.

The problem really was whether Auset (who was the Virgin Birth Mother in the ancient African Mystery System, imbibed by the Jovian Mystery, which was being adapted by the Church fathers, should continue to take precedence over her son Horus, as in the ancient African myth). In the end, Ausar (re-named Yahweh) retained his double roles as the Holy Ghost or God, (misunderstood by Christians as the universal ‘Spirit’), and as (human ‘Father’ in the African Mysteries 4,425 years earlier), (who became the Christian Ghost Impregnator) of Mother Auset, re-named Mary, with the Virgin Son, Horus, (renamed Jesus).

In other words, “Holy” and “Virgin Birth” were transferred to Jesus and Mary, from Horus and Auset. Jesus became born in Bethlehem and acquired higher rank than his contrived mother. He was supposed to be her first child and to have been miraculously conceived.
His foster-father was given the name Joseph, and the carpentry profession, to appeal to humility. The name ‘Christ’ came from the Greek translation of Christos (meaning anointed), taken from the Hebrew title of Messiah. Church fathers at the Nicaea Council in 325 CE, decided that Jesus, who was supposed to have been baptized as and called Emmanuel before the Conference, was born in Bethlehem in Judea. All these were happening some 325 years after the purported death of Jesus.

Nothing in Christianity was original. The Pagan’s Sun disks became the haloes of the Catholic saints, and Auset’s pictogram nursing her Virgin birth son Horus, became the model for the image of Virgin Mary nursing the baby Jesus. All the elements of the Catholic rituals, the mitre, the doxology, the altar, and the communion (act of God-eating), were all taken from African Pagans’ rites. The Christians, whose original holy day was the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday, adopted the Pagan’s holy day, Sunday. Constantine shifted the Christians’ holy day to the Pagans’ veneration day, Sunday. So, when Christians go to Church on Sundays, they are actually there paying tribute to the African Sun God.

St Nicholas, Santa Nikolaus, better known as Santa Claus, the patron saint of children whose feast day is actually Dec. 6, was incorporated into the Christmas festival to liven things up and replace the Sun-god worshippers’ feasting, and exchange of gifts. Ausar (Osiris) was the God of agriculture and Diop says: “The idea of a tree associated with the birth of Jesus is taken from Osiris. Osiris’ symbol was a tree without branches, set up to announce the resurrection of plant life. This was an impressive agrarian rite characterizing a sedentary society. The plant, symbol of Osiris, was called Djed: standing erect, planted upright. Djan: vertical; Djed-Djed oral: very erect (intensification of Djed); Djen: a post. …, once again we see, on retracing the course of time, that more than one feature of western civilization, whose origin has been forgotten loses its enigmatic character when linked with its African source.”

The Egyptian God Ausar (Osiris) was anointed by an Egyptian priest in 4100 BCE. Jesus was allegedly baptized or initiated by John the Baptist in early CE. Egyptian “Ab” – heart, represents Osiris. A person with ‘Pure, Light’ heart is Osiris in the Pagan’s mysteries. He is as ‘Light’ as ‘Feather.’ Every person’s heart is weighed on Isis or Goddess Maat’s feather scale. To balance on it, is to be Osiris pure and sinless. T[b]his is Osiris’ conquering power over all as ‘Lord and God.’ Christianity and other religions adopted these African concepts, replacing the African God Horus with their own intermediaries, (i.e. Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc). [/b]

Six thousand years ago, our primitive ancestors believed that the Moon and the Sun were gods; that Semiramis was hatched from an egg that fell from the Moon; that Auser’s ghost pregnated Auset for the first human Virgin Birth and that Auser resurrected and ascended to heaven to seat in judgment over the dead. These rather infantile ideas now, were sustained by our confused Church fathers who declared surgical operations, devils work in 1302 CE; burnt Nicholas Copernicus at the stake in 1543 CE, for claiming that the Earth is round; burnt Giordano Bruno at the stake in 1600 CE, for claiming that humans would fly one day in machines. The Church said if God wanted humans to fly, He would have given us wings. The Church fathers put Galileo under house arrest until he died in 1642 CE, for saying that the Earth is round and that it is revolving around the sun. The Church said, the Earth does not move, it is like a rooster on water carried by four mighty horses. In 1758 CE, the Church described inoculation and vaccination as Satan’s jobs.

Judeo-Christianity mystified the religious world by elevating their ancestor Gods with the capital letter ‘G’ and down-grading other people’s Gods with the small letter ‘g.’ All Gods, whether spelt with the capital letter ‘G’ or the small letter ‘g’ are ancestors who at one time or the other lived here on earth. Therefore, if intermediary Gods are necessary for anyone, they would not be alien ancestors. Whites and Arabs gave Africans, White ancestors to worship. The ultimate or universal source of spirituality or spiritual energy (Tu-SoS) is a higher spiritual energy source than the Judeo-Christian, Islamic God. Traditional Africans, the ancestors of mankind, instinctively know this. That is why African traditional religion is so powerful. No one in the world worships the ultimate spiritual energy source. That is because, like light, it does not ask to be worshipped. It is not a spirit; it is not transient; it is not a God. All Gods are ancestral spirits that humans create from deities of the spirit world.

Any race that forgets her ancestors is doomed to perpetual slavery and cannot make progress. We can begin right now to reclaim our essence and take back our leadership of the world from where our illustrious ancestors were pushed off inelegantly some 2000 years ago. The place to start is in our hearts and our spirit selves. We must reconcile with our ancestors. We must stop living a lie and individually vigorously, embark on efforts to recover our lost essence and grounds.

also see our post:
Prophetic Ride
Moses Stole the Ten commandments
The Jewish Myth  
Making of a Heretic - The Superfluous Trinity

Being indigenous

Being nice has been the number one cause for the genocide against indigenous people by invading vermins..

If you revise history from the past onto the new age, you will find that those who gave great hospitality to strangers always ended up looking at the barrel of a gun.

Being nice in the wilderness will get the gazelles eating by lions, a wilderbeast attack by an Hyena. Humanity is parallel to the jungle, thus countries build great armies with unbelievable arsenal of weapons, because they don't count on each other's friendship and sincerity.

Europeans invaded New Zealand, Australia, North America, South America and Africa and took possession of great amount of land area, thus marginalized the owners of these lands, yet they set up the most rigid immigration laws on something they stole.

What if indigenous people had the same mentality as Europeans? The belief that, one is superior than everybody on Earth and some fellow in the sky gives them authority on Humanity to be the destroyers, saviors, Jesus and so on. Perhaps, things would have turned out quite differently